Radio Libertaire (89.4-FM) is the radio station of the Anarchist Federation broadcasting from Paris since 1981

Radius will be featured in a special late night edition of the Endless Tape radio program on EPSILONIA Radio Libertaire (89.4-FM) in Paris, France. Radio Libertaire (89.4-FM) is the radio station of the Anarchist Federation broadcasting from Paris since 1981.

The program will highlight Episode 01: Michael Woody, Episode 04: Art Of Failure, Episode 10: Harold Schellinx, Episode 11: Jeff Gburek, Episode 19: Emilie Mouchous & Andrea-Jane Cornell, Episode 26: U.S.O. Project, Episode 28: Harold Schellinx, Episode 32: IO.SOUND, Episode 35: Hugo Paquete, Episode 44: Anna Friz, Episode 45: Alyssa Moxley, Episode 46: Luke Munn, and Episode 47: D. Burke Mahoney.

The Endless Tape program broadcasts on Friday, February 07 at 12am - 9am CET on Radio Libertaire (89.4-FM) in Paris, France. Listen to the Radio Libertaire (89.4-FM) online stream here.

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